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Include Page

To prepare your setup for multi tenancy you will need to execute some steps per component.

Most components in a setup make use of one or more Databases (SQL and/or NoSQL). Furthermore, AMQP can be used to communicate between the components.

In order to make sure that no tenant can access data of another tenant, each tenant will need their own databases. Thus, you will need to create them for each tenant. Simply use the delivered create scripts to create the dedicated databases for each tenant.

For AMQP, you should also create the neccessary queues and exchanges per tenant for each component and configure the vHost to make sure that the correct messages are being sent to the correct tenant.

Table of Contents

Enabling Multi tenancy

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These properties are used in each component that is mentiond on this page.


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This property can be used in each component that is mentiond on this page.

We advise to set up an HTTP server (for example NGINX or Apache HTTPD) which can be configured to add this HTTP header depending on, for instance, the url from which the Runtime is called.

AMQP Tenant Id

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We only support multi-tenancy where each tenant uses the same database vendor per component. You are not able to mix, for example, an Oracle tenant with an Microsoft SQL Server tenant. 

Property Configuration

To make enable multi teanncy work-tenancy, it is change all essential to modify existing properties and add new properties ones for each tenant for each jdbc, jndi, rabbitmq and mongoDB connection.across all JDBC, JNDI, RabbitMQ, and MongoDB connections.

The primary adjustment involves inserting tenantsIn essence the difference is to just tenantns.<tenantName> between the property prefix and the actual property to change. Below you can find an examplevalue. An example of this structure is provided below.

Code Block
# RabbitMQ Host property for the Trace Event Publisher

# Single Tenant

# Multi Tenant Google

# Multi Tenant Apple

Default configuration

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This works for all components that use Datasource,RabbitMQ or MongoDB configuration

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Excerpt Include
Multi-tenant Runtime setup [MT EDITOR]
Multi-tenant Runtime setup [MT EDITOR]

Authentication - OAuth2 and Keycloak

In single-tenant mode as well as in multi-tenancy mode, OAuth2 and Keycloak can be used for the authentication mechanism. The difference with multi-tenancy is that the application now expects a claim to be present in the JWT token with the claim path name "tenant" and with the tenant name as value. This claim name is customizable if the tenant is present in the JWT token with a different claim name.

Customizing the tenant path

The tenant claim can be customized using a JsonPath expression in the same way the roles-path and username-path can be set.

Code Block
    tenant-path: $.custom_tenant_claim_path
UI Expand
titleCase Engine

Case Engine

Excerpt Include
Case Engine Multi-tenancy
Case Engine Multi-tenancy

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titleCustomer Data Service

 Customer Data Service

Excerpt Include

UI Expand
titleDCM Lists Service

DCM Lists Service

Excerpt Include
Multi-tenancy for the DCM Lists Service
Multi-tenancy for the DCM Lists Service

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titleDCM Maintenance

DCM Maintenance App

Excerpt Include
Multi-tenancy for the DCM Maintenance App
Multi-tenancy for the DCM Maintenance App

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titleAudit Consumer

Audit Consumer

Excerpt Include
Audit Consumer - Multi-tenancy [editor]
Audit Consumer - Multi-tenancy [editor]