Page History
Support for more (open)JDK brands increases our test efforts exponentially. During development we encountered code that detects the JDK you are running and therefor might break using other JDK builds.
Why we chose the current supported
- Technology Compatibility Kit validated: companies that can do this:
- AdoptOpenJDK for example does not have this.
- Both LTS and non-LTS releases
- Amazon Corretto for example only does LTS releases
- Supporting non-LTS releases detects problems early and allows to make small steps for support
- (optional) can get paid support if needed
- Oracle OpenJDK does not have this option
- Generic platform support
- RedHat build of OpenJDK officially only supports Redhat Enterprise Linux and Windows, we want to have the option to support other linux versions
Differences between OpenJDK builds
Although all OpenJDK derived builds are in build from the same source code they might be different based on parameters or added components. For example the Shenandoah GC is included in some openJDK builds from JDK 8, but is missing in the Oracle Java SE JDK.
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