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Webservice debuggerBlueriq offers the capability of debugging what happens during a webservice invocation, both for SOAP and REST services. This functionality is only available when the development tools are active (i.e. |
has to be active) and a custom header is included in the webservice request to |
represent logpoints, referring to parts of the model. During execution of the model, a profile dump in XML is written to a special debug log file whenever a logpoint is hit. A basic example is as follows:
The presence of |
the |
a logpoint that triggers whenever the service call named "Example" within flow "MyStartFlow" executes. Multiple logpoints can be activated by comma-separating them, as well as including the header multiple times:
The above example activates three logpoints. The profile XML is written to a dedicated debugger log file, separate from the regular log file. It is stored in the same location as the regular log, but suffixed |
with |
using the
Debugger idsThe debugger id is an identifier that corresponds with a part of the model. Debugger ids are case-insensitive. The runtime supports the following list of debugger ids: Flow nodesEach node in the flow is considered as a potential logpoint, according to the following naming convention:
A logpoint for a flow node is |
triggered before |
the flow node is evaluated. Setting a logpoint at the start of a flow can be accomplished by using the debugger id of the node that is linked from the start node, as the start node itself does not have a logpoint. Multiple occurrences of a service-call/function-call/subflow within the same flow cannot be distinguished, as the debugger id is only determined based on the referenced name.
Data mapping Each direction of a data mapping have their own ids, with the possibility to log the source profile before the mapping executes and the target profile before and/or after the mapping has executed.
Domain schema & schema setsReading XML and JSON data into the profile is done through either a domain schema or a schema set. The following ids can be used to log the profile after the profile has been populated from the data:
Logging configuration
The runtime includes default logging configuration such that debugger logging is redirected to a separate debugger log, according to the following Logback configuration snippet:
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
<configuration> <!-- ... --> <!-- Debugger logger --> <springProfile name="development-tools"> <if condition="isDefined("logFile")"> <then> <logger additivity="false" level="INFO" name="com.blueriq.debugger"> <appender-ref ref="DEBUGGER"/> </logger> <appender class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender" name="DEBUGGER"> <encoder> <pattern> <![CDATA[%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} userId="%X{userId}" project="%X{projectName}:%X{projectVersion}" [trace=%X{traceId:-},span=%X{spanId:-}] - %msg%n%n]]> </pattern> </encoder> <file>${logFile}.debugger.log</file> <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy"> <!-- rollover daily --> <fileNamePattern>${logFile}-%d.debugger.log</fileNamePattern> <!-- retain at most 7 days of debug logging --> <maxHistory>7</maxHistory> </rollingPolicy> </appender> </then> </if> </springProfile> </configuration> |
In a custom runtime, it may be necessary to realize a similar configuration to redirect log entries from the com.blueriq.debugger
logger to a dedicated file.