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Defining a JWT authentication provider

In the file, these properties are expected for a JWT authentication provider:


Code Block
# Global configuration = jwt

# Auth-provider type declaration = jwt

# JWT decoder, below is an OpenId Connect with keycloak example = https://<KEYCLOACK>:<port>/realms/<YOUR_REALM>/protocol/openid-connect/certs

# Add the JWT authentication provider to the chain = jwt

For the available JWT decoder settings see:

Token validation

Since 16.8 the JWT Authentication provider validates tokens per request basis. This is done according the following the mechanism.


Validated an accepted tokens will be updated in the Http Session, in order to support long living downstream calls to other applications using the same token.


Include Page
JWT Authentication Properties
JWT Authentication Properties


  • Currently, when using JWT as an authentication provider, no other authentication provider on the chain will work.
  • Only KeyCloak with OpenIdConnect is supported

Development Dashboard

When using the Oauth JWT Authentication Provider the Development Dashboard will redirect unauthenticated users (when authentication is required) to the Blueriq Gateway Service as its source of authorization. More information regarding the Development Dashboard flow can be found here.