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Actuator is a Blueriq component which enables metrics and statistics about the Runtime. It is based on Spring Boot Actuator which helps you monitor and manage your application by providing a number of endpoints. The table below summarizes the Spring Boot Actuator endpoints which are enabled in the Runtime. Besides those, there are a number of  Blueriq specific actuator endpoints. It is recommended to not expose actuator endpoints via the load balancer/firewall to the public and thereby only make them accessible from inside the network.

Table of Contents

Actuator IDEndpointDescription
auditevents/actuator/auditeventsExposes audit events information for the current application
beans/actuator/beansDisplays a complete list of all the Spring beans present in runtime


Shows the conditions that were evaluated on configuration and auto-configuration classes and the reasons why they did or did not match
configprops/actuator/configpropsDisplays the used runtime properties
env/actuator/envDisplays all the profiles, runtime properties, system properties and environment variables
health/actuator/healthShows runtime health information
httptrace/actuator/httptraceDisplays information about the last x HTTP requests (By default x=100)
info/actuator/infoDisplays information about the runtime. Currently displays the list of unhandled exceptions

Returns the contents of the log file (if configured through



Displays and modifies the configuration of loggers in the application
mappings/actuator/mappingsDisplays a collated list of all @RequestMapping paths
metrics/actuator/metricsDisplays various metrics about the runtime. Both standard Spring Boot metrics and Blueriq specific metrics are displayed
threaddump/actuator/threaddumpPerforms a thread dump.

Enable component

To enable Blueriq Actuators add the Spring profile named actuator in file

Include Page
. For example:

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Starting with Release 13, the refresh endpoint should be both enabled and exposed when the development-tools profile is active, otherwise the runtime will not start.

Context path

The default path for Blueriq Actuators is /actuator. This can be changed to a different path with the management.endpoints.web.base-path property:

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If the runtime is accessible via https://localhost:8080/Runtime, the actuators can be found at https://localhost:8080/Runtime/actuator by default, or at http://localhost:8080/Runtime/somethingElse if the property above would be set.

Exposing endpoints

All enabled endpoints are available through both JMX and HTTP. (except for the logfile endpoint, which is only available through HTTP). You should limit the access to the endpoint to not be accessible from the public network. To customize this, you can change the following properties.

PropertyBlueriq default







So for instance to disable exposing all the endpoints but the health endpoint via JMX, add the following property.

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In this example all endpoints are still exposed via HTTP.


Starting with Release 13, JMX is disabled by default. You can reenable it by setting the property spring.jmx.enabled to true.

Default security

By default all actuators are secured using basic authentication . In order to access actuator endpoints, the authenticated with the user below. You can override this, please keep in mind that the user must have the role 'ACTUATOR'. When using the development tools component, this user can be defined in the file.

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Enable/disable default security

When more control over the security of individual endpoints is required, a custom implementation can be written.
For this, you first need to disable the default security for the actuators. This can be done by setting the property in If you don't specify this property, security will be enabled.:

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# Security

Implementing custom security for actuator endpoints

By default, all users need to have the role ACTUATOR to acces the actuator pagesThen you can implement custom your own security logic. In the following example, the endpoints actuator/health and actuator/info are available to alleveryone, but the CUSTOM_ROLE is is required to access the other actuator endpoints. This can be done by disabling the default security for actuator, and implement your own custom SecurityConfigurer security configuration like in the example below.

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@ConditionalOnProperty(name = "", havingValue = "false", matchIfMissing = false)
public class CustomMetricsApiSecurityConfigurer extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapterCustomMetricsApiSecurityConfiguration {
	// 1. Inject any required dependencies@Bean
    private WebEndpointProperties webEndpointProperties;
	private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;
	// 2. Specify the authentication manager
	public AuthenticationManager authenticationManager() throws Exception {
		return authenticationManager;
	// 3. Configure HTTP security
	protected void configure(HttpSecurity http@Order(1) // before runtime security configurations
  protected SecurityFilterChain customActuatorSecurityChain(HttpSecurity http, WebEndpointProperties webEndpointProperties) throws Exception {
	    return http.antMatchersecurityMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher(webEndpointProperties.getBasePath() + "/**"))
			authorizeHttpRequests(auth -> {
          auth.requestMatchers(, InfoEndpoint.class)).permitAll();

Enable/Disable individual endpoints

Each endpoint can be enabled or disabled via a property with the format management.endpoint.[endpoint-id].enabled=true/false

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# Enable all endpoints

Actuator Endpoints

For a complete overview of the standard Spring Boot Actuator web API, which described example request and responses for all actuator endpoints, have a look at the documentation.


The standard info 

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titleExample request
GET http://localhost:92/Runtime/actuator/info
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titleExample response
    "exceptions": [
            "cause": null,
            "stackTrace": [
                    "methodName": "getInternalFlow",
                    "fileName": "",
                    "lineNumber": 269,
                    "className": "com.aquima.interactions.flow.model.FlowEngine",
                    "nativeMethod": false
                    "methodName": "startFlow",
                    "fileName": "",
                    "lineNumber": 130,
                    "className": "com.aquima.interactions.flow.model.FlowEngine",
                    "nativeMethod": false
            "flowName": "main",
            "message": "Unknown flow: main",
            "localizedMessage": "Unknown flow: main",
            "suppressed": []


Navigating to /Runtime/actuator/metrics displays a list of available metrics. You can drill down to view information about a particular metric by providing its name as a selector, e.g. /actuator/metrics/jvm.memory.max

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titleExample request
GET http://localhost:92/Runtime/actuator/metrics
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titleExample response
"names": [

Blueriq specific metrics

The following Runtime specific metrics are available.

runtime.request.counterCounts the total number of request for the UI REST API ( /server/* )
runtime.exceptions.counterCounts the number of unhandled exceptions
runtime.session.counterCounts the number of portal sessions currently in the runtime the average page compose time in milliseconds
gauge.response.portal-session.handle-eventMeasures the average time for handling portal session events in milliseconds

The metrics are per node. When running in a cluster the counter.portal-session metric will not be displayed

Blueriq specific endpoints

With the endpoints below you can reset some of the Blueriq specific metrics provided by the metrics endpoint.

Reset Runtime Requests

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titleExample request
POST http://localhost:92/Runtime/actuator/runtime-reset-request-countruntimeResetRequestCount
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titleExample response
runtime.request.counter was reset

Reset Portal-Session Exceptions

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titleExample request
POST http://localhost:92/Runtime/actuator/portal-session-reset-exceptionsportalSessionResetExceptions
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titleExample response
runtime.exceptions.counter was reset

Reset Portal-Session Compose Time

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titleExample request
POST http://localhost:92/Runtime/actuator/portal-session-reset-compose-timeportalSessionResetComposeTime
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titleExample response was reset

Reset Portal-Session Handle-Event Time

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titleExample request
POST http://localhost:92/Runtime/actuator/portal-session-reset-handle-eventportalSessionResetHandleEvent
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titleExample response
gauge.response.portal-session.handle-event was reset