Page History
It sometimes happens that someone edits an element that you edited too. For some time you are not aware of this, but as soon as you start merging, the system will present you with a conflict. How do you act when a conflict occurs? The following steps show how to resolve a conflict.
Step-by-step guide
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In case someone has updated an element in one branch and you have updated the same element too, the following happens:
- Go to Home
- Select Version management
- Merge the feature branch to Trunk.
- Select the correct revision.
- Click on Merge.
- The system checks the branches and shows up a conflict, which is a content conflict (because we changed some properties of an attribute in this example):
- You click on Apply and click Close.
- When you open the project of branch Trunk a warning will be shown on the bottom of the window:
- You can either click on the message or go to File > Conflicts
- The following will be shown:
- To know what the difference between these two versions are, click on Compare content.
- A new window will appear:
- We merged the changes from FeatureBranch to Trunk. Blueriq acts as if this merge was successful, so the element from the FeatureBranch is taken as the current element in this branch (Trunk). The original element is the element as it was before the merge in this branch (Trunk).
- You now have to check what has been changed. You will recognize that the border of the description field is somewhat thicker, which indicates that this property of the element has been changed. A second hint that a property has been changed is the following icon behind a property field:
By clicking on this icon it is possible to copy the text to the current element.
You may also notice that the question text shows this element, but it has no thick border. This is due to the fact that that this description has been added twice and independently on the two branches, but with exactly the same text. So seen from the contents it is the same, but with the tiny icon behind the element it shows that it originally was not there. - Now choose one of the two options by clicking on the header, either 'Use current element' or 'Use original element'.
- Let's click on 'Use current element' as we want the change to be processed from the FeatureBranch.
- Now click on 'Save' or 'Save and close'.
- The conflict is still shown in the overview which is presented after the compare screen closes.
- Now you have to state that you successfully have solved the conflict. This can be done by setting the checkbox of the conflict to true and click on 'Resolved' at the bottom.
- Right now there are no conflicts anymore and you can continue developing.
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