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Keycloak groups and roles only have effect in the Studio if you are using the oidc security mode and add a RoleMapping to map the Keycloak role to a Studio role

Adding, editing and removing groups and roles in Keycloak is relatively straightforward, from the navigation panel select either Roles or Groups, and the main view will list all roles or groups. From this view you can add, edit or delete roles or groups.


Which Studio role a user has based on the given Keycloak roles is determined in the Studio configuration via the role mappings. See Studio Security Modes for how to configure thatrole mappings.

The Studio role in turn will determine which permissions a user has in the Studio. See User access and management for more information on Studio roles and permissions.


Adding, editing and removing users is relatively straightforward in Keycloak. From the navigation panel select Users, the main view will not list all by default, you can choose "View all users" to load all user, or search for a user from the search bar.

Adding a new user can be done with the Add user button in the top right. Only thing to keep in mind when adding a user, is that we currently only support authentication with a password, new users must be set up so that they can sign in with a password. To do this, first create a user: only the username is required, and optionally you can assign the user to one or more groups.

Then edit the user, select Credentials and enter a password:

Image Added

If the temporary toggle is on, then the user must first update their password before they can sign into the Studio.

Users can update their password in the realm-specific Account console at http://<domain:port>/Keycloak/realms/<realm>/account, or http://localhost:150/Keycloak/realms/BlueriqStudio15/account in a typical installation.

User Federation: NTLM

User Federation: Kerberos