Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


No additional settings are set.


Cases ApplicationsComments



case a:1 will trigger:

  • application a:1, because they match exactly both on name and on version.

Ignore Options

It is possible for every application to configure what should be ignored. You would ignore this version when ... $TODO ...

The following ignore options will influence the behavior of loading the application ID.

Ignore setting

Ignore settingDescriptionMatch onComment
noneThe default behavior. The application Id is still regarded by lists and and versionThis is default behavior like prior to Blueriq 9.6. So no migration is needed.
projectIgnores the project name part of the applicationId. This can be used when multiple projects on the same branch share the same process model.only versionThis setting was introduced in Blueriq 9.8.5.
versionIgnores the version part of the application Id. This can be used when models are deployed from different branches.only nameTypically for deploying from hot fix branches and different deployment strategies.
allIgnores version and project name from the application Id. This can be used when there are pages that wants to collect information from different projects.nothingTypically used in a dashboard for DCM applications.


In the following example we use all different kinds of settings to illustrate what their effect is.

Cases ApplicationsIgnoreComments




case a:1 will trigger:

  • application d:2, because nothing has to be matched: all versions of d will be taken.
  • application a:3, because with ignoring the version the name has to match.
  • application e:1, because with ignoring the project name only the version has to match.

note that application b:1 will not be triggered, because they don't match on name and on version.




It is also possible to determine on a higher level how the mechanism should work in general, so this is then for applications overall.

ServerThe settings apply for the complete application.A general setting if all behavior for the application is the same
ProjectA setting per project if settings only apply for a single project.These settings overrule the server setting. It is possible to have a mix. So if no project setting is available, then the server setting applies.


On top of all properties we have the following:

Process engineControls which part of the application ID is ignored by the process engine when evaluating timer nodes and handling message events. 
Process listControls which part of the application ID is ignored when displaying cases in Case Lists and tasks in Work Lists. For backward compatibility, when process list settings are not configured, the process engine settings apply.This component was introduced in Blueriq 9.8.5.

The settings are part of the 

Include Page
 for Java, or are part of the .Net configuration. 

Rules for process engine


.Net properties

Image Removed
UI Expand
titleJava properties


UI Expand
title.Net properties