Versions Compared


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This page consists of all that needs to be done to migrate from MVC to the Material Theme

Table of Contents

Presentation styles

For many presentation style a more broader name has been chosen, so its usage can be more versatile. For instance the presentation style 'Transparent' currently is used to display containers background as transparent but could also be used to display other components as transparent

Below you see a list of all the legacy presentation styles and their new counterparts. The legacy presentation styles will become deprecated in Blueriq 12.0

New Presentation StyleLegacy Presentation StyleDescriptionSection
Button-Is used whenever something is displayed as a link and it must be displayed as button instead. (for instance: Document link)Styles
FlatButton-Is used to display buttons without having a border and a transparent backgroundStyles
Introduction-Displays containers as transparent with a small image in the top left cornerStyles

Displays containers as transparent.
Can be used versatile.

Accent-Displays buttons with a secondary chosen color.
Can be used versatile.
Tertiary-Displays buttons with a tertiary chosen color.
Can be used versatile.
Warning-Is used to change the background color and color of a text item.Styles

Can be used on a single-valued domain-list to have auto completion on a select.

Can be used in combination with multi-valued attributes to have a auto completion on a chiplist

LargeTextmemoDisplays a input field as text-areaStyles

Displays a container relative to its parent container on the right.



Displays containers in a horizontal manner.
Displays Radio buttons in horizontal manner (without the need of Radio presentation style).
Can be used versatile.
Radiooptions_verticalDisplays a domain list as radio buttonsStyles
AnimationanimateCan be used to animate statistic charts (like pie, bar etc.)Styles
StatisticPiepieDisplays a pie chartDashboardStyles
StatisticBarbarDisplays a bar chartDashboardStyles
StatisticDoughnutdoughnutDisplays a doughnut chartDashboardStyles
StatisticRadarradarDisplays a radar chartDashboardStyles
StatisticLinelineDisplays a line chartDashboardStyles
StatisticPolarpolarDisplays a polar chartDashboardStyles
ToggletoggleDisplays a checkbox as a slide toggleStyles
icon_exclamation_circle *1icon_exclamation_signA font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameStyles
icon_info_circle *1icon_info_signA font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameStyles
icon_times *1icon_removeA font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameStyles
icon_times_circle *1icon_remove_circleA font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameStyles
icon_clock_o*1icon_timeA font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameStyles
icon_exclamation_triangle*1icon_warning_signA font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameStyles
icon_sign_out*1icon_signoutA font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameStyles
icon_file_o*1icon_fileA font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameStyles
icon_file_pdf_o*1icon_file_pdfA font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameStyles
icon_file_image_o*1icon_file_imageA font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameStyles
Example: Weight7

Within a `Horizontal` container, children can have presentation styles like `Weight<number>`

If you have a child with `Weight3` and another child with `Weight1`, the total weight number would be 4. The first child will take 3/4th of the available horizontal space and the second child would take 1/4th.


*1 : These icons represent font-awesome icons. This is without the prefix icon_ x and the lower-dash are upper-dash. Example:

  • Fontawesome icon: exclamation-sign in studio becomes: icon_exclamation_sign

Content Styles

In the MVC dashboards were always displayed on full screen. This now has been changed to by default always be responsive.
If you desire to have the same behavior you must add the following content style to your page: full
For completeness, these are all the possibilities:

- `small` - The content is displayed in a narrow column (maximum width is 512 pixels)
- `medium` - The content is displayed in a medium sized column (maximum width is 768 pixels)
- `large` - The content is displayed in a large sized column (maximum width is 1024 pixels)
- `full` - The content takes up the full width of the window
- `responsive` - *(default)* The content width depends on the screen width

Modeling best practices

In this paragraph we describe some situations that have to be modeled differently.

Roles and widgets

Consider a dashboard structure like depicted in the image at the right. In this picture you see some widgets that are shown if the role match.

If all individual widgets in a column should not be shown, either by assigning a role to them or by adding a precondition that evaluates to FALSE, the MVC frontend would recognize this and ignore the column that has no widgets. The new Blueriq Theme, however, follows the model more closely and the columns will be rendered, without widgets inside them (resulting in extra space). This might be unwanted.

If you encouter such an issue migrating to the new Blueriq Theme, you need to change your model. You can add the role or the precondition on a higher container, in this case DashboardBehandelaar and DashboardAanvrager.

Column weights vs. column widths

Consider a dashboard structure like at the right.

The MVC layout defined a 12 column grid where dashboard columns could be mapped to. When the column widths added up to less than 12, empty space would be rendered. When it added up to more than 12, the column would be wrapped to a new line. The new Blueriq Theme uses a different model and it will render all columns inside of a dashboard row horizontally. It uses a weight system to determine the width of the columns. A column of weight 2 will be twice as wide as a column of width 1. if you need blank space, you can add an empty column with the specified width. Note that if your weights add up to 12, the same behaviour as in MVC will occur.

In the new theme, another way is supported. The columns container can be assigned the content style 'dashboard_column'. Additionally, a presentation style of 'WeightX' can be assigned to indicate the weight. Weights can be any number, as they are relative to each other. A column with weight 70 will be rendered twice ad wide as a column with weight 35. It is preferred to use Weight presentation styles over content styles.

For backwards compatibility we support both methods, but note that the number will be interpreted as a weight instead of a width.

Horizontal containers

In the new Blueriq theme, you can add the presentation style 'Horizontal' to a container. As a result, the children of the container will be displayed side-by-side. By default, each child will have the same width. This can be controlled by adding a presentation style 'weightX' to a child. For explanation on weights see above.


Here is a sum up of some important behavior in the Material theme. Some of these might not differ from the MVC but are important to know

  • Empty container component will show no HTML and takes care of all containers that have the following condition
    • No children
    • No Icon
    • No display name
  • The Material Theme provides different URLs to start flows and shortcuts. They are described in the ApiDocs.