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During the installation of Blueriq Studio you have chosen a security mode.


Data storage
Data storage
Data storage

Model data within the Blueriq Studio server is stored in one of two locations: work that is being done in a branch is stored in a relational database (PostgreSQL) until it is committed, at which point it is archived for long-term storage in a version control system separate from Blueriq Studio.


To create a backup of all Encore (Studio Server) data, two options exist: the Blueriq Repository Backup tool, which can be scheduled, or a manual download from the administration pageBlueriq Encore.

Option 1: Blueriq Backup Tool

To backup all relevant content that is stored by Blueriq StudioEncore, the Management Service has a SOAP operation to duplicate its data storage to a single file on disk. For typical automated backup strategies it is cumbersome to interact with a SOAP service, therefore Blueriq provides a tool that can be run from a batch/bash script to perform this operation.


Code Block
titleBasic authentication
java -jar blueriq-studio-backup-tool.jar backup --studioUrl=http://studio.server:140/Studio/Server/Services/ManagementService --username=user --password=password --path=backup/path/
Code Block
titleNTLM authentication
java -jar blueriq-studio-backup-tool.jar backup --studioUrl=http://studio.server:140/160/Studio/Server/Services/ManagementService --auth-type=ntlm --username=DOMAIN\user --password=password --path=backup/path/
Code Block
titleKerberos authentication
java -jar blueriq-studio-backup-tool.jar backup --studioUrl=http://studio.server:140/Studio/Server/Services/ManagementService --auth-type=kerberos --username=DOMAIN\user --password=password --path=backup/path/

Please note that the provided path is in terms of the machine where Studio is installed on, not on the machine the tool is run from.

titleSystem Requirements

The backup tool requires Java 11.


NTLM and Kerberos authentication require at least version 1.4.0 of the backup tool.

titleKeep multiple days of backup

It is recommended that the file that is created by running the tool is not considered as primary backup, but replicated on a different machine and that backups from multiple days are retained! As such, we strongly advise to copy the resulting file somewhere safe and to avoid overwriting the backup of the prior seven days.

Option 2: Download from the administration page


Open the administration page from the welcome page and open the “Repository” tab.



UI Expand
titleBackup has timed out

When experiencing timeouts during the creation of a backup using either the backup tool or the administration page. You , you can adjust the timeout settings using the following guidelines.

Backup Tool

Using the  --timeout parameter you can set the timeout period in seconds, when setting it to zero the timeout period will be removed completly.

Code Block
java -jar blueriq-studio-backup-tool.jar backup --timeout=0

Administration Page

When a timeout occurs during the creation of a backup in the administration page, you can extends the timeout period in the Web.Config. The Web.Config can be found in the [Blueriq installation directory]\Studio\wwwroot\Administration\Web.config. 

The administration page uses a connection to the management service. This connection requires a requestTimeout, which by default is set to two minutes during the installation of Blueriq:

Code Block
<connection url="http://localhost:8095/Services/ManagementService" user="administrationpage" password="administrationpage" requestTimeout="00:02:00"/>
You can extend the timeout period by adjusting the requestTimeout parameter in a HH:MM:SS notation. Setting it to 10675199.02:48:05.4775807 will effectively create an infinite timeout.

Option 2: Download from Blueriq Encore

  • Log in to Blueriq Encore as admin

  • Click on the cog icon in the bottom left corner
  • Go to the "Backup and restore" tab
  • Click on “Create backup” and save the file to a backup location.

Restoring backups

Only backups created from the same or older versions of Blueriq Studio can be restored. If a backup of an older version is restored the repository is automatically upgraded by Blueriq Studio.

Option 1: Blueriq Backup Tool


Code Block
java -jar blueriq-studio-backup-tool.jar restore --studioUrl=http://studio.server:90160/Studio/Server/Services/ManagementService --username=user --password=password --path=backup/path/

As is the case with creating a backup, the path in the above command is in terms of the machine the machine where the Studio server is installed on, not on the machine the tool is run from.

Option 2: Upload in administration pageBlueriq Encore

  • Log in to Blueriq Encore as admin

  • Click on the cog icon in the bottom left corner
  • Go to the "Backup and restore" Open the administration page from the Welcome page and open the “Repository” tab
  • Click on
  • the “Browse” button near the “Upload Backup” button, browse to the backup file and click “Upload Backup”.
  • “Upload backup” and select the backup file
  • Click on "Restore backup" to resotre the backup

When the upload has completed all users are logged out and the system automatically refreshes. There is no need to restart the server.


To enable this feature, add the configuration below to the studio section of the config file for Blueriq Studio Server (StudioService.exe.config).


Once you've configured the endpoint, each commit in Blueriq Studio Encore will cause an HTTP POST request to be sent to the endpoint containing the information below.
