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UI Expand

Configuring the database connection for the Comments SQL Store component in .Net is done by adding a connection configuration to the 

Include Page

Code Block
title.NET database configuration example
    <session-factory name="CommentsDao">
        <property name="connection.provider" value="NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider" />
        <property name="dialect" value="NHibernate.Dialect.MsSqlCeDialectMsSql2012Dialect" />
        <property name="connection.driver_class" value="NHibernate.Driver.SqlServerCeDriverSqlClientDriver" />
        <property name="connection.connection_string" value="Data Source=D:\Databases\CommentsDB.sdfServer=HOST\SQLEXPRESS;Database=test;User Id=USERNAME;Password=PASSWORD;" />
        <property name="show_sql" value="false" />
        <property name="current_session_context_class" value="Aquima.WebApplication.WebPersistenceUtility.Session.CurrentHibernateSessionContext, WebPersistenceUtility" />

Supported dialects:

  • NHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2012Dialect


For more information about configuring database connections, see Configuring database connections in .Net webapp.


The Comments SQL Store component looks for a database connection named "comments-sql-store" so make sure that this name is used in order to configure the Comments SQL Store properly.

All necessary DLL files on which the Comments SQL Store component depends can be found in the /bin directory of the .NET webapp ZIP file.
