Page History
XSD element | Supported |
all | Yes |
annotation | Ignored |
any | Yes, treated as String |
anyAttribute | Yes, treated as String |
appInfo | Ignored |
attribute | Yes, when minOccurs>1 a multivalued attribute is used |
attributeGroup | Yes |
choice | Yes |
complexContent | Yes |
complexType | Yes |
documentation | Ignored |
element | Yes |
extension | Yes |
field | Ignored |
group | Yes |
import | Yes |
include | Yes |
key | Ignored |
keyref | Ignored |
list | Yes, treated as String |
notation | Ignored |
redefine | Yes |
restriction | Yes |
schema | Yes |
selector | Ignored |
sequence | Yes, when minOccurs>1 a multivalued relation is used |
simpleContent | Yes |
simpleType | Yes |
union | Yes, it is treated as string |
unique | Ignored |
Primitive data types of the XSD are translated to Blueriq data types like this:
XSD Data Type | Blueriq Data Type |
anyURI | String |
base64Binary | String |
boolean | Boolean |
byte | Integer |
date | Date |
datetime | DateTime |
decimal | Number |
double | Number |
duration | String |
float | Number |
gDay | String |
gMonth | String |
gMonthDay | String |
gYear | String |
gYearMonth | String |
hexBinary | String |
ID | String |
IDREF | String |
int | Integer |
integer | Integer |
language | String |
long | Integer |
Name | String |
NCName | String |
negativeInteger | Integer |
NMToken | String |
nonNegativeInteger | Integer |
nonPositiveInteger | Integer |
normalizedString | String |
positiveInteger | Integer |
QName | String |
short | Integer |
string | String |
time | Time |
token | String |
unsignedByte | Integer |
unsignedInt | Integer |
unsignedLong | Integer |
unsignedShort | Integer |
- The message has to start and end with "{" and "}" respectively
An array cannot contain mixed content
For example this response that mixes an attribute with an object is not supported:Code Block { [ 3, {} ] }
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