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AcronymAdds a . behind every character and makes it uppercaseV.A.R.A.
AllLowercaseAll small capsa value
AllUppercaseCapitalise all 1A VALUE
BankAccountNr_NLDutch bank account number57.15.18.833
Bool_InWordsBoolean in wordsyes
Bool_InWordsAbbrBoolean in words abbreviatedy
Curr_Dollar_ValueInWordsDollar value in wordsFivehundred dollar and twelve cents
Curr_Dollar_ValueInWords_ZeroCentsDollar value in words, zero centsFivehundred dollar and zero cents
Curr_Euro_2Digits_1000SepEuro value, two digits with thousand separator€ 500.000,00
Curr_Euro_2DigitsNoZerosEuro value, two non zero digits€ 500000,-
Curr_Euro_2DigitsNoZeros_1000SepEuro value, two non zero digits with thousand separator€ 500.000,-
Curr_Euro_3DigitsNoZerosEuro value, three non zero digits€ 500000,-
Curr_Euro_3DigitsNoZeros_1000SepEuro value, three non zero digits with thousand separator€ 500.000,-
Curr_Euro_NoDigitsEuro value, no digits€ 500000
Curr_Euro_NoDigits_1000SepEuro value, no digits with thousand separator€ 500.000
Curr_Euro_ValueInWordsEuro value in wordsFivehundred euros and twelve cents
Curr_Euro_ValueInWords_ZeroCentsEuro value in words, zero centsFivehundred euros and zero cents
Curr_Pound_ValueInWordsPound value in wordsFivehundred pound and twelve pence
Curr_Pound_ValueInWords_ZeropenniesPound value in words, zero penceFivehundred pound and twelve pence
Date_dayDay from date in wordsnegentien
Date_dayofweekWeek daydonderdag
Date_dayofweekddmonthyyyy_SpaceSepweekday day month in words year, in numbers with zero'sdonderdag 19 maart 2009
Date_ddDay from date in numbers19
Date_ddMM_MinSepDay-month in numbers with zero's19-03
Date_ddMM_SlashSepDay/month in numbers with zero's19/03
Date_ddMM_SpaceSepDay month in numbers with zero's19 03
Date_ddMMyy_hhmm_12hoursDay-month-year(short) hours:minutes, 12-hour clock03-12-09 02:32 PM
Date_ddMMyy_hhmmss_12hoursDay-month-year(short) hours:minutes:seconds, 12-hour clock03-12-09 02:32:55 PM
Date_ddMMyy_HHmmss_24hoursDay-month-year(short) hours:minutes:seconds, 24-hour clock03-12-09 14:32:55
Date_ddMMyy_MinSepday-month-year short, in numbers with zero's19-03-09
Date_ddMMyy_SlashSepday/month/year short, in numbers with zero's19/03/09
Date_ddMMyy_SpaceSepday month year short, in numbers with zero's19 03 09
Date_ddMMyyyy_hhmm_12hoursDay-month-year hours:minutes, 12-hour clock03-12-2009 02:32 PM
Date_ddMMyyyy_hhmmss_12hoursDay-month-year hours:minutes:seconds, 12-hour clock03-12-2009 02:32:55 PM
Date_ddMMyyyy_HHmmss_24hoursDay-month-year hours:minutes:seconds, 24-hour clock03-12-2009 14:32:55
Date_ddMMyyyy_MinSepday-month-year, in numbers with zero's19-03-2009
Date_ddMMyyyy_NoSepdaymonthyear, in numbers with zero's19032009
Date_ddMMyyyy_SlashSepday/month/year, in numbers with zero's19/03/2009
Date_ddMMyyyy_SpaceSepday month year, in numbers with zero's19 03 2009
Date_ddmonthyyyy_MinSepday-month in words-year, in numbers with zero's19-maart-2009
Date_ddmonthyyyy_SlashSepday/month in words/year, in numbers with zero's19/maart/2009
Date_ddmonthyyyy_SpaceSepday month in words year, in numbers with zero's19 maart 2009
Date_ddshortmonthyyyy_MinSepday-month short-year, in numbers with zero's19-mrt-2009
Date_ddshortmonthyyyy_SlashSepday/month short/year, in numbers with zero's19/mrt/2009
Date_ddshortmonthyyyy_SpaceSepday month short year, in numbers with zero's19 mrt 2009
Date_dMMyy_HHmmss_24hoursDay-month-year(short) hours:minutes:seconds, 24-hour clock3-12-09 14:32:55
Date_dMMyy_hmm_12hoursDay-month-year(short) hours:minutes, 12-hour clock3-12-09 2:32 PM
Date_dMMyy_hmmss_12hoursDay-month-year(short) hours:minutes:seconds, 12-hour clock3-12-09 2:32:55 PM
Date_dMMyyyy_HHmmss_24hoursDay-month-year hours:minutes:seconds, 24-hour clock3-12-2009 14:32:55
Date_dMMyyyy_hmm_12hoursDay-month-year hours:minutes, 12-hour clock3-12-2009 2:32 PM
Date_dMMyyyy_hmmss_12hoursDay-month-year hours:minutes:seconds, 12-hour clock3-12-2009 2:32:55 PM
Date_dmonthyyyy_HHmmss_24hoursDay month(long) year hours:minutes, 24-hour clock3 december 2009 14:32 PM
Date_dmonthyyyy_hmm_12hoursDay month(long) year hours:minutes, 12-hour clock3 december 2009 2:32 PM
Date_dmonthyyyy_SpaceSepshort day month in words year, in numbers with zero's1 maart 2009
Date_MMMonth from date in numbers03
Date_monthMonth from date in wordsmaart
Date_RelativeToToday_InWordsDate relative to today in words1 year, 2 months and 26 days ago
Date_shortmonthAbreviated month from datemrt
Date_YearYear from date in wordstweeduizend negen
Date_yyyyYear from date in numbers2009
Date_yyyyMMdd_MinSepyear-month-day, in numbers with zero's2009-03-19
Date_yyyyMMdd_SpaceSepyear month in words day, in numbers with zero's2009 03 19
Date_yyyymonthdd_MinSepmonth day year, in numbers with zero's, month in words2009-maart-19
Date_yyyymonthdd_SpaceSepyear month day, in numbers with zero's2009 maart 19