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All Blueriq specific rules can be viewed in an overview through the Rules tab, optionally by filtering on Language Blueriq at the right of the screen:


Parameters in rules

 Some of the Blueriq specific rules take in parameters during analysis. These parameterized rules use default values, but if needed these default values can be overridden through Sonarqube's web interface. The parameterized rules are:

Elements in flowBy default the elements in flow rule has maximum elements value of twenty. By settings this property the maximum value can be increased or decreased.
Flow viewportBy default the flow view-port rule checks if the flow does not exceeds the boundaries of the default view-port which is x=1700,y800. By settings these properties the view-port can be made smaller of bigger.
Expression SimplifierBy default the expression simplifier rule uses boolean logic to check if expressions can be simplified. By setting this property to false the rule will use three valued logic instead.

Changing parameters 

To change the parameters of these rules requires logging inSome of the Blueriq specific rules take in parameters during analysis. These parameterized rules use default values, but if needed these default values can be overridden through Sonarqube's web interface. This requires logging in first. The default Sonarqube credentials are "admin", "admin". After logging in, rules can be deactivated by clicking the deactivate button at the right of the overview.When logged in on the rules overview screen looks like this:


By clicking on one of the active rules, for instance the parameterized flows-should-not-contain-too-many-elements-rule, an "Elements in flow" rule, a detailed overview of the specific rule is presented:


When clicking on the change button on the right, the parameters are presented and editable:


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Deactivating rules

After logging in, rules can be deactivated by clicking the deactivate button at the right hand side of the overview.

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