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Dialogues can be strongly dependent on business rules. These business rules are intended for the realization of intelligent forms of an application. In order to prevent the necessary business rules from interfering with the various layers within the application, the dialogues and the implementation of the business rules must be properly set up. It is important that it is still possible to use true maintenace and at the same time apply sufficient decoupling.


Table of Contents



Different kind of rules are used within an application. Business rules gets a special attention compared to design rules. Business rules do have a high business value and must be easily maintainable and implemented atonomously.

Different kinds of business rules exists in every layer within the clean architecture.

Interface layer


Application layerDomain layer
Input validation
  • Format validation (e.g. correct phone number, IBAN, postcode)
  • Type validation (e.g. only string is allowed)
  • Input required
  • Value validation (e.g. age > 18)
  • Can we process this value?

Authorization/authenticatie rules

(cross-cutting concern)


Can this user (role) see/modify this?

Can they overrule these warnings?

Process rules 

What is the next step?

Which activity is not allowed?

(operational business rules)

What is the next step?

Which activity is not allowed?

(Business rules based on law and organizational policy)

Deducation/integrity/calculation rules

e.g. Product/underwring/policy/law rules

  • Are the various choices compatible?
  • Is this application acceptable?
  • Calculation
  • Decision based on policy rule


This article will focus on decoupling of Deducation rules and front-end. The following characteristcs are important for the implementation.

Decision ManagementImplicit vs explicit callRelevant business rules should be triggered implicitly. No explicit call (e.g. webservice call) should be needed
Simple/Complex parameterAlso a validation of a complexe customer dossier should be possible.
Truth maintenanceTruth maintenance will simplify the implementation of deducation rules by only evaluate relevant business rules.
Implementation property

TestabilityFront-end and business rules are independently testable.
MaintainabilityBusiness rules are easy to maintain. Front-end and domain logic are not intertwined.
ReusabilityBusiness rules should be reused easily.
Out of the boxNo custom code is needed to implement this decouple example.

Decouple category




Decouple category

Front-end (4)



Related patterns/solutions


General application structure

Deducation rules and front-end implementation are closely related to each other. Especially in knowledge intensive applications like request of subsidies and mortgages. Knowledge intensive applications lean strongly on business rules which are available within the front-end. However, maintainability will increase when deducation rules, application logic and UI components are decoupled. This creates a contradication.

This reases the question "how implement knowledge intensive applications without undesirable coupling?"

A general application could be split up in different components (see figure 1). The following components do exist:

  • UI; Front-end with styling, UI manipulation and user interaction.
  • Application logic; Client side application logic like input validation, flows, communication with user and server side logic by means of an API. This part is decoupled from UI and server side components.
  • Business logic; Business rules like deducation rules which must be executed server side because of security reasons. This component also integrates with data, other (external) (web) services.


Different variants exist of the general application structure above. The next paragraph uses different variants of the general structure above for difining different solutions. Every solution has properties regarding maintainability which differ.

Knowledge intensity

Depending on the amount of business rules which are directly needed in the front-end without getting "chatty" communication, round-trip delays and complex business rules in the front-end there will be a good or bad fit with the proposed solutions.


Knowledge intensity front-endDescription
LowOnly simple input validation like format validation (e.g. correct phone number, IBAN, postcode), type validation (e.g. only string is allowed), input required or value validation (e.g. age > 18). This kind of applications contains very little business logic. CRUD applications.
HighComplex and strongly related deducation rules with a strong declarative character. E.g. rules regarding mortgages, subsidies, legislation, etc.

Important requirements for intelligent dialogs:

  • Single point of definition, multiple points of execution.




Different solutions are possible for implementing intelligent front-ends. Intelligent front-ends do have different characteristics compared with dumb front-ends. Despite the fact that this article is about intelligent front-ends, dumb front-ends are included.

The solution differ in the extend of decoupling between client and server side logic.

 PropertyStrong decoupled front-end

Weak decoupled front-end

Integrated front-end

Decision ManagementImplicit/explicit call

(green star)1/(red star)2


(green star)1/(red star)2


(green star)


Simple/Complex parameter

(green star)1/(red star)2


(green star)


(green star)
Truth maintenance(green star)1/(red star)2(green star)(green star)

Implementation property

Testability(green star)(green star)(red star)
Maintainability(green star)(green star)(red star)

Autonomy (CA layers)

(Don't confuse with application autonomy)

(green star)(green star)

(red star)

UI seperated from application logic(green star)(green star)(red star)
Out of the box

(red star)

Only BaaS OOTB


Only custom UI, and UI REST API OOTB

(green star)

1Non-knowledge intensive front-end.

2Knowledge intensive front-end.

Strong decoupled front-end

A strong decoupled intelligent front-end has different advantages and disadvantages. Hence, it is not advisible to use this solution for intelligent front-ends.

PropertiesStrong decoupled front-end
Decision management(green star)1/(red star)2
Implementation properties(green star)

1Dumb front-end

2Intelligent front-end


The client side logic could be implemented by using custom code (HTML5/CSS?JS).

Server side logic could be implemented and exposed by using BaaS.

Weak decoupled front-end

A weak decoupled intelligent front-end has a few advantages compared to strong and integrated front-ends. This solution is advisable for implementing intelligent front-ends.

PropertiesWeak decoupled front-end
Decision management(green star)
Implementation properties(green star)

The client side logic could be implemented by using custom code (HTML5/CSS?JS).

Server side logic could be implemented and exposed by using the UI REST API.

Integrated front-end

Standard implementation

An integrated intelligent front-end has a few advantages related to decision management but has a bad score on maintainability. Hence, this solution is not advisable for implementing intelligent front-ends.

PropertiesIntegrated front-end
Decision management(green star)
Implementation properties(star)1/(red star)2

1Small application

2Large application


The client side and server logic is implemented with Blueriq and by stacking modules. See Decoupling Pattern 9: Stacking of modules for more information regarding this pattern. Styling and look and feel of the UI could be realised by custom code (CSS/JS).

Shared domain and support attributes

The maintainability of an integrated front-end could be improved by using support attributes and a shared domain model. By doing this the coupling will be decreased due to support attrbitutes while it is still possible to reuse business rules defined within an external library.

Issues and considerations

Implementing intelligent front-ends is complicated because of maintainability aspects (seperation of concerns and decoupling) and the integrated properties of definition and execution of business rules. This easily creates a contradiction. Decoupling is important for maintainable applications while intelligent dialogs (which contains complex and strongly dependent business rules) are easy to implement by integrating business rules (server-side) with dialog (front-end) components.

The offered solutions do have different properties. When an intelligent dialogs must be implemented solution 2 is highly recommended because it has good implementation and decision management properties.