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At the moment, hooks do not exist for processing the SOAP response. These hooks are used for processing the request only.

Step-by-step guide

Create a class that implements com.aquima.interactions.communication.ISoapMessageHandler

Code Block
import com.aquima.interactions.communication.ISoapMessageContext;
import com.aquima.interactions.communication.ISoapMessageHandler;

public class WSSTimestampSoapHandler implements ISoapMessageHandler {
	public void handle(ISoapMessageContext context) {}
UI Text Box

Three demo ISoapMessageHandler implementations are attached to this page. The code is provided for demonstration purposes only and should not be used in a production environment.

Annotate the class with com.aquima.web.config.annotation.AquimaSoapMessageHandler

Make sure you provide a unique name to the handler:


UI Text Box

The AquimaSoapMessageHandler annotation makes the class a Spring bean. Make sure the Spring configuration scans the package the handler resides in for component annotations (using context:component-scan for example).

Implement the handle(ISoapMessageContext) method

The following code is adapted from com.aquima.web.communication.WSSTimestampSoapHandler and demonstrates adding the WS-Security Timestamp header:

Code Block
@AquimaSoapMessageHandler(value = "WSSTimestamp")
public class WSSTimestampSoapHandler implements ISoapMessageHandler {

	final String WSSE = "";
	final String WSU = "";
	final String SOAPENV = "";
	final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");

	public void handle(ISoapMessageContext context) {
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        // Add custom namespaces
		context.setNamespace("wsu", WSU);
		context.setNamespace("wsse", WSSE);
        // Add a new SOAP header
		IXmlElementContext security = context.addHeader(new QualifiedName(WSSE, "Security"));
		security.setAttribute(new QualifiedName(SOAPENV, "mustUnderstand"), "1");
        // Add a child to the Security header
		IXmlElementContext timestamp = security.addElement(new QualifiedName(WSU, "Timestamp"));
		timestamp.setAttribute(new QualifiedName(WSU, "Id"), "TS-" + GUID.generate());
		IXmlElementContext created = timestamp.addElement(new QualifiedName(WSU, "Created"));
		created.setValue(dateFormat.format(calendar.getTime()), false);
		IXmlElementContext expires = timestamp.addElement(new QualifiedName(WSU, "Expires"));
		calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 5);
		expires.setValue(dateFormat.format(calendar.getTime()), false);

Specify the SoapServiceCall objects that should use this handler by modifying

Code Block


titleBefore Blueriq 12.8

Before Blueriq 12.8, the property was called soap_service_calls.<service_call>.handlers.

Test the result

Capturing the SOAP request or setting the log level to debug will show the request having a new header. It should look something like:

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:wsu="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:soapenv="">
		<wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
			<wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="TS-930e7809-2cde-415b-ad5c-0af0b9127083">
	<soapenv:Body xmlns:wsu="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:soapenv="">

.NET registration

In the .NET runtime, the usual registration mechanism is used to register a SOAP message handler:
