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Dynamic processes are processes in which not all possible scenarios are completely delineated upfront. In dynamic processes there is no diagram, model or code available that tells us which possible scenarios can occur and what to do when. In stead of meticulously connecting activities to establish completeness in flow, in dynamic processes all activities can attribute to the process. For each activity that is part of the process, a precondition simply states when the activity can be performed. Such a precondition is a boolean statement that makes use of available data, artifacts and the state the process is in. A dynamic process engine (like Blueriq) will decide at runtime which activities must be performed at any given moment in the process. In Blueriq, dynamic preconditioned activities are modeled as ad/-hoc tasks.

From a Blueriq-point-of-view, it is not mandatory to use preconditions and ad-hoc tasks exclusively, nor is it mandatory to use flow exclusively. One of the unique aspects of Blueriq is that both approaches are available and can be intertwined to get the best of both worlds. So whenever there is an activity that may only be performed when another activity is completed, it can be modeled with flow.


The process above shows different dynamic case management concepts, such as different types of tasks and phases.



Most processes are - from a high point of view - very linear. So is our example: it consists of the sequential phases Apply, Pay, Decide, Register. In the vast majority of business processes, all phases are singular and linear, meaning a case or process will always be in one phase and after that phase, another phase will follow.


Sometimes a phase can be skipped. In this particular example, when registration is rejected on grounds of inadmissibility, the phase registering is skipped right after deciding. The rejection because of inadmissibility is done when the application is not complete or documents are not valid and the applicant is not able to provide the necessary information. When the application is complete and all documents are valid, registration could still be denied. This is because the application is not eligible, although complete and valid. Non-eligible applications are registered as well as eligible applications, but with a negative decision. Rejections, as mentioned before, are not registered at all.


Generic tasks

Sometimes there are activities/ tasks that are always available. In this example, it is always possible to register some sort of contact between applicant and the back office, for instance by mail or telephone or in person. This is done using a repeatable task (), without a precondition throughout the process.


First of all, this design is really flexible. When an activity is added to the process, all that needs to be done is add it the task to the proper phase and determine its precondition. That's it. In conventional business modeling with activities and flow, adding an activity is much more complex. Most likely the activity can or must be added in more than one part of the flow.
