Versions Compared


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A best practice when designing decisions is given below. It is not to be used as "the one and only way" but should be treated as a possible means to create understandable decisions.

1 Main

Ask yourself the question what the main decision is. If you think of more than one answer, split these decisions if possible.
For instance, if you main decision is "the amount and duration of a child care benefit" you are modeling two decisions. Design them seperately and reuse attributes that accomodate both decisions.

2TypeNote that a decision can beis not bound to be a Boolean. In general, there are three types of decisions:
  • a Boolean decision (you are eligible for benefit X),
  • a classification Classification (you will receive category 'medium' for benefit X) or
  • a calculation Calculation result (you will receive € 100,- per year for benefit X).
3SubFor each identified decision, determine if the decision is preferrably built up in meaningful sub decisions. These sub decisions could be reusable decisions - in fact reusable decisions will most likely be sub decisions - but not every sub decision has to be a reusable decision.
Think of a complex calcutaion where intermediate results are never reused but are created nevertheless, for the sake of understandability.
4 CircularityAvoid circularity. When decision A depends on the outcome of decision B and decision B needs the result of decision A as input, you're in trouble! When desiging decisions top-down circular references can easliy be avoided.
5  ...

Designtime Decision Requirements Graph

When designing a decision, make use of the Decision Requirements Graph (DRG), depicted by a scale icon:Image Added.
(for more info on and where to open DRG's see Decision Requirements Graph (DRG))

Let's say we're modeling a very simple decision that determines whether someone will receive a discount on some sort of insurance.
Females are eligible for this discount, males are not. The decision requirements graph will probably look something like the one sown below.
Use Ctrl-Click on the various elements to open them and verify that the discount is modeled correctly.

Image Added

Alyhough even for simple decisions the DRG is very useful while designing or reviewing, the true strength of the DRG is exemplified when designing or reviewing multi-layered complex decisions. See the example DRG below, that shows the decision that determines an applicant's riskscore.text

Runtime Decision Requirements Graph
