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  1. Clear irrelevant values with a (sequence of) service call(s)

    When clearing irrelevant values can wait until the page is left, for instance when navigating to a next step in the application, you can model a service call or flow to clear irrelevant values using the Instance_Update service type.  An example is shown below. Field Income type determines which fields are cleared in the conditional node. You could use sub flows containing the Instance_Update service calles as in the example below or service calls directly. As in the example above Income type has been changed from Wage labor to Pension income, which will result in clearing all values for specific fields for Wage labor and for instance Freelance. Any general fields, possibly astarting date or duration, will remain unchanged. 

    Example flow

    Example Instance update service call

    Create reusable expressions to use in preconditions on your page and in the clear irrelevant values flows. 
  2. Clear irrelevant values with a Flow on Refresh container

    When clearing irrelevant values cannot wait until the page is left, for instance when the values are used in calculations on the same page , e.g. a calculation of the test income, you can model a service call and flow to clear irrelevant values using the Instance_Update service type and call this flow with a FlowOnRefresh container type. Often, however, this will not be necessary when using the correct adequate logic in the expressions, making it more robust. 

  3. Keep irrelevant

    values and deal with them in the application's

    profile values, apply logic

    In some situations it might be possible to just keep the irrelevant values and use logic to determine whether or not they will be used in any logic or calculation, will be used in any datamapping or will be savedin your profile and deal with them by writing adequate expressions. For instance, in the example above you could model your application in a way that Profession will not be saved or make sure Profession is not used in a datamapping when Income datampping whenever income type is not Wage labor. In some situation  Sometimes you might even want to keep the irrelevant values as long as possible to not frustrate the user when he changes his mind to prevent him from having to enter all information switches from one income type to another and back again and having to fill in all fields again.