Versions Compared


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In many systems, persistency management is all about databases and SQL-statements. In Blueriq, it is not. We deliberately made the technical way in which data is stored and retrieved not the business engineer's concern, let alone the end user's concern. In steadInstead, Blueriq provides an intuitive canvas where a business engineer can design what information to persist when. Furthermore, easy-to-use services to create, read, update and delete information and a service to display information objects are provided. What happens behind the scenes is, as mentioned before, not of interest to the business engineer.

This guide helps you to understand the big picture and the concepts and gives you best practices. Details can be found in the help files of the individual components.


Organizations usually offer more than one product or service to their customers. All these products and services have their own cases, so multiple cases can be running concerning the same customer. To get a good overview of a customer there is a need for shared storage of information, which is shared among the several cases. To accomplish this, the concept aggregate is introduce in Blueriq. See the example below.

Shown above are three different cases (in grey) that are all part of a single business model of a fictitious insurance company. The first case concerns a medical insurance, the second a dental insurance and the third a home insurance. These cases use and share information (in blue). The medical and dental case both use the medical information and information about persons, whereas the home insurance makes use of the person information and information about houses. These information objects are called aggregates in Blueriq and will typically exist of one or more  more entities with their endogenous relations.


Aggregates are used to combine information that belongs together, and should be stored and loaded together. In Blueriq, information that belongs together is modeled in an entity, or as multiple entities with relations between them. An Aggregate aggregate is the selection of parts of your domain that can be stored and retrieved together in a single action, and consists of one or more entities. When an entity is added to an aggregate definition, all entities that are connected to the entity are part of the aggregate as well. At the moment it is not possible to create a precise aggregate definition, excluding for instance a few attributes and relations.


Since it suffices to declare the main entities in a domain model that are to be part of the aggregate, the design of the aggregate definition of Person only consists of the entities Person and Employment. However, the entity Person has relations with the entities Job and Household, so whenever a person is stored, his or her jobs are also stored, as well as the person's household situation. This principle can be extended to multiple levels deep, so if a Job would have a relation to yet another entity, instances of that entity in this relation would also be stored. See also Aggregate design.

When storing such an aggregate, metadata is stored as well. This includes standard metadata, such as when the aggregate has been created and who created it, but also custom metadata that the business engineer can define on the aggregate definition by using expressions. This custom metadata can be seen as identifying attributes for an aggregate, but are not necessarily unique. In the example above, the Person aggregate could have the following custom metadata attributes: FirstName, LastName, SocialSecurityNumber, CurrentJob, HouseholdSize. As you see, custom metadata for an aggregate can originate from different entities, or even be a complex expressions, for example NumberOfJobs is calculated as COLLECT Job FROM Person.HasJobs.

It is even possible to define custom metadata that does not originate from entities of the aggregate definition at all, since custom metadata consists of an expression. This is not advisable in general, as there is no guarantee that the information needed to fill this attribute is available when reading and updated an aggregate entry at a later point in time.

Only the (custom) metadata is available in lists, as this information is stored in an efficient manner. When a new aggregate entry is created or updated, the (custom) metadata is updated as well.


Please think carefully about the choices for your metadata attributes. If you at a later point in time want to add a different metadata attribute, it will be empty for all existing aggregate entries. Once such an existing entry is updated, the new metadata field is going to be filled.


Working with aggregates

In order for an end user to work with aggregates in cases, it must be possible that these aggregates are displayed in a list. This could enable the knowledge worker to look for a known person in the system if this person contacts the call center. This list functionality is very similar to the list functionality that is already available for instances, tasks and cases and is implemented as a Blueriq container.


As shown in the aggregate list in the previous chaptersection, it is possible to specify versioning for aggregates. This means that when creating an aggregate, a version number is stored along with it. When updating an aggregate, the version to update has to be specified and the update itself it will result in an new entry with increased version number. When reading an aggregate, a specific version can be specified. This means that it is possible to load an older version of an aggregate into the profile. One can also decide to just alter the latest version without creating a new version. The same goes for deleting an aggregate, you can choose to delete an aggregate with all its versions, or only a specific version. It is advised to use a control entity to store the aggregate IDs Ids as well as the version IDsIds.

There are three versioning strategies when designing aggregates, which can all be modeled in Blueriq:

  • No versioning
    With this strategy each create action will result in a new aggregate instance. Updating an aggregate instance means overwriting that the original aggregate instance and deleting an aggregate instance will actually delete the aggregate instance from the databaseis overwritten. There is always one single version of the aggregate in the database present. Reading a non-versioned aggregate instance is trivial: it will read "the" aggregate instance, since there is only one. You should use this strategy if the past state of the aggregate is not important.
  • Versioning all
    With this strategy each create action will result in a new aggregate instance as well, but updating Updating an aggregate instance means that a new version of the instance is stored alongside all previous versions. When deleting such a versioned aggregate instance, it is necessary to specifiy specify which specific version(s) to delete. Reading an aggregate instance also means that it has to be specified which specific version(s) to read.
    Beware that the number of versions for an aggregate instance can grow out of control with this strategy. Also, think about the design of your aggregate list when using full versioning. You should use this strategy if it is important what the state of the aggregate in the past was. For example the employment status of a customer at the moment of the start of the application. Any changes during the processing of the application should not be considered.
  • Versioning latest 
    This strategy is based on the previous strategy, but with some limitations for the end user. Versioning is still in place, so updating an aggregate instance will create a new version of the instance, but in this strategy reading will always return the latest aggregate instance version. Deleting an aggregate instance with this strategy means deleting all versions. Also be aware of the fact that the number of versions for an aggregate instance can grow out of control. You should use this strategy if you always want to work with the latest version, but you still want to keep a history of the aggregate. A good example is the address of a customer. You always want to use the newest address for correspondence, but keeping the old addresses may be useful. 

These strategies are not enforced, and is up to the Business Engineer to choose one and follow it during modeling. The Business Engineer has all freedom to choose the correct action for every situation.


References between aggregates


For metadata the same principles hold as for domain attributes. A special case is a change in the expression of a custom metadata attribute. Here also the lazy principles applies. When the expression for a custom metadata field changes, the value in the database is updated the next time an update action is performed for the aggregate entry.

Changing data types

It is possible to change the data types of metadata or regular data. It is checked whether the new data type is compatible with the old data type. If so, a simple conversion is done. If not, the old data is ignored and the value is set to unknown.

Examples of possible data type changes

  • Integer to Number
  • Date to DateTime
  • Currency to Percentage

Examples of impossible data type changes

  • Number to Integer
  • DateTime to Number
  • String to Boolean

See also

More about aggregates can be found here:
