Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(contentString.getBytes("UTF-8"));
IUserData userData = context.getSessionScope().getActiveUser();
CustomContentProperties properties = new CustomContentProperties();
properties.setProperty("customProperty", new StringValue("value"));
String contentName = "content name";
String contentType = "text/plain";
Long processId = null;
String caseId = null;

if(contentManager instanceof IChannelContentManager channelContentManager) {
  // Using the Java NIO-based API introduced in Blueriq 17.4
  GUID contentId = channelContentManager.create(Channels.newChannel(stream), contentName, contentType, processId, caseId, properties, context.getSessionScope().getActiveUser())userData);
} else {
  // Using the stream-based API that was deprecated in Blueriq 17.4 and might be released in a future release
  GUID contentId = contentManager.create(stream, contentName, contentType, processId, caseId, properties, context.getSessionScope().getActiveUser()userData); 

The properties object may be used to store additional properties with the content. The contentId will be required to read, update or delete this content at a later time.


The following code snippet shows how to retrieve the string that was created in the previous example.

Code Block
IContentMetadata metadata =IUserData userData = context.getSessionScope().getActiveUser();
int size = (int) contentManager.readMetadata(contentId, context.getSessionScope().getActiveUser(), truefalse).getSize();
String contentString;

if(contentManager instanceof IChannelContentManager channelContentManager) {
  // Using the Java NIO-based API introduced in Blueriq 17.4
  ByteBuffer content = ByteBuffer.allocate(size);

  // Be sure to close the channel after use to prevent files from being locked
  try (ReadableByteChannel channel = contentManager.getReadableByteChannel(contentId, userData)) {;
  contentString = new String(content.array(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} else {
  // Using the stream-based API that was deprecated in Blueriq 17.4 and might be released in a future release 
  byte[] content = new byte[(int) metadata.getSize()size];
  contentManager.readBytes(contentId, 0, content, 0, (int) metadata.getSize(), context.getSessionScope().getActiveUser())size, userData);
  contentString = new String(content, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); 


Code Block
InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(newContentString.getBytes("UTF-8"));
IUserData userData = context.getSessionScope().getActiveUser();
CustomContentProperties properties = new CustomContentProperties();
properties.setProperty("customProperty", new StringValue("newValue"));
String contentName = "new content name";
String contentType = "text/plain";
Long processId = null;
String caseId = null;

if(contentManager instanceof IChannelContentManager channelContentManager) {
  // Using the Java NIO-based API introduced in Blueriq 17.4
  contentManager.update(contentId, Channels.newChannel(stream), contentName, contentType, processId, caseId, properties, context.getSessionScope().getActiveUser())userData);
} else {
 // Using the stream-based API that was deprecated in Blueriq 17.4 and might be released in a future release  
 contentManager.update(contentId, stream, contentName, contentType, processId, caseId, properties, context.getSessionScope().getActiveUser()userData);

Delete content

The following example shows how to delete the content made in the previous example:
