Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.







The scroll position of the dependencies panel would be forgotten.

The scoll position of the dependencies panel is now restored when navigating between views.




Undo/redo wouldn't work correctly when creating a subflow from existing nodes in the flow editor.

The creation of subflows from selected nodes can now be undone/redone as expected.



All profiles in the unit test editor would be expanded each time the editor is opened.

When opening the editor for the first time, a profile is only expanded if the unit test has exactly one profile. Navigating between editors no longer forces all profiles to be expanded. Additionally, scroll positions are remembered.



The expression modal may extend beyond the available height, making the lower part of the expression and the Close button not visible.

The expression editor now shrinks according to the available screen height.



The scroll position of various views would not be restored when navigating between views, for example in the globals view.

The scroll position is now remembered.



Message event is not added to the maintenance app after Case engine crashes in specific situations. The process continues as normal, while nothing happened.

The message event will now be added to the maintenance app and the process fails as it should when the case engine crashes.



Java Runtime

Warnings about "Support for convention-based stereotype names is deprecated.." are present during startup.

Stereotype names are now explicitly added to Blueriq's custom annotations, removing the warnings on startup.



Java Runtime

Derived values in the process profile are not available in the GetCaseInfo service

When the process profile is mapped to the implementation profile, the values required for the mapping are sourced in the process profile first, so they end up in the implementation profile as well.



Java Runtime



an unrelated error happens during the logout process, it would stop the logout process resulting in a unfinished state.

Errors will now be caught and logged during logout making sure that the logout process continues on an error.


Java Runtime

Timeline events would get created and send through a queue to a timeline event processor which would drop a majority of events resulting in unnecessary load on the system.

Moved the filter mechanism from the timeline processor to the TraceEngine which will now only create timeline events that are relevant.



In the page/container editor, the Display name of a container containment may sometimes show the placeholder text on top of the TSL text.

The placeholder text no longer overlaps the TSL text.



The runtime may report errors for inference rules that depend on multiton entities as active instance, which cannot be used within inference rules.

Encore now validates that expressions that are evaluated as part of an inference rule do not depend on multitons other than the entity as determined by the rule's target attribute.



The Maintenance app would end up in an infinite loop when an unexpected error happens during processing of a dead letter message.

Added a RetryOperationsInterceptor that will make sure that messages will send to an error exchange when an unexpected error during processing of a dead letter message happens.



Dropdowns that allow for multiple items to be selected might take too much vertical space such that the dropdown is no longer visible.

The maximum height of dropdowns has been limited to a percentage of the available viewport height, such that there is always room for the dropdown to be opened.


Gateway, Material

When the single sign on session is revoked or removed in the identity provider the Gateway is unable to resume a current session resulting into errors in the dashboard frontend from which we cannot recover.

If the gateway is unable to authorize or re-authorize with the identity provider such as Keycloak it will return a 401 status, in order for the dashboard frontend to pick it up and re-authenticate with the identity provider.