You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Each studio item has it's own overview, called the list view. This view displays all occurrences a specific item with a specific set of properties for that item.

For instance, the entity listview gives an overview of all entities in your project.

The listviews are available in a compact and a complete format. The compact format has a fixed layout and can be accessed via the quick list access toolbar on the left of the screen. The complete format has a configurable layout and can be opened via the item's ribbon menu.

To open a complete listview
  1. Find the item in the ribbon.
  2. Click the arrow behind the item's name.
  3. Select the view option from the list.
To open a compact listview
  1. Find the item in the quick list access toolbar on the left of your screen.
  2. Click the item's icon. Clicking another item's icon will switch to that item's.

By pinning a compact listview you can keep that listview open while selecting another compact listview.

  1. Pin the compact listview by clicking the pin button in the listviews upper right corner. You can pin as many list views as you like.
  2. Unpin a compact listview by clicking the unpin button in the listviews upper right corner.
  3. Switch between pinned listviews by clicking the listviews header.
Order a listview

Click the column’s header, to quickly sort a column in a list view. After you click the header, an arrow is displayed that indicates the ordering direction. Click the header once more to swap the ordering direction.

Filter a listview

When a filter icon is displayed in a specific list view column, this mean you can filter your list for that specific property.

To apply a filter you must click the filter icon. When the filter dialog pops up select the values that you want to display in your listview. As soon as you select a value, another empty combo box appears in which you can select an additional value.

Customize a listview

Complete listviews have a default configuration that you can customize.

  1. Open or select the object’s complete listview.
  2. Select Configure list from the shortcut menu or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + L to open the list's configuration dialog

The following customization options are available

  • Add a column by double clicking the name of one of the column in the Columns group.
  • Remove a column by double clicking the name of the column in the Columns group.
  • Order the list by an object’s property by setting the order direction and double clicking the name of the column representing the property in the Sorting group.
  • Remove the ordering of the list by an object’s property by double clicking the name of the column representing the property in the Sorting group.

The columns section displays a list of available properties, which are not displayed and a list of current properties which are displayed in the listview. To move a property from the available to the current list and vice versa, simply double click on the property's name.

The Sorting section also has an available and current properties. To move a property from the available list to the current list and vice versa, double click on the property's name. Make sure that you select the desired order direction before moving a property to the current list. The order direction can only be changed by removing a property from the current list and adding it again.


  • No labels