Definition: Precedence, especially established by order of importance or urgency.

This chapter describes how you can model priority on a task, so that you can influence which tasks are done first by knowledge workers.

A typical scenario for using a priority algorithm is when deadlines approach for a task. If an SLA should be fulfilled, you want to make sure that the tasks which are closed to failing the SLA are on top of the worklist of the knowledge workers. You are free to model the priority with any integer range that you want. You can for example choose 0-100 with 100 as highest priority, or you can choose for 1-3 for High, Medium and Low. As an example for this page, we want that a new loan request for a bank is answered within 7 days. If the deadline is 1 day away, the priority is high, if it is 2-3 days away, the priority is medium, and low otherwise.

Modeling a priority algorithm

The priority algorithm is responsible to assign a priority number to a task, which is a default field on a task. At the moment, the priority algorithm is an external algorithm, and should be developed by a Technical Engineer and be placed in the aquima.home/lib/ folder. As a Business Engineer, you still have to define it in Studio in order to attach it to a task.


Here you see how you can define a priority algorithm. You can choose how often you want to evaluate it. Because in our example the priority changes each day, we choose the daily option here. You can find information on how to implement such an algorithm here: 10. APIs for authorization, routing and priority.


The only thing you still have to do is to indicate which tasks should be prioritized by the corresponding algorithm.


The algorithm which is implemented by the TE has to return an integer number, which will be saved in the Priority attribute of a Task. This attribute can be used as a column in the worklist. When sorting this column in a descending way (assuming that the highest priority is assigned the highest integer), then the tasks with highest priority will get sorted to the top of the list. If you do not want to bother the knowledge worker with this column (possibly displaying a meaningless number for him ), you can hide this column, the sorting will still be applied.



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