Class ConcurrentSessionModificationMonitor

All Implemented Interfaces:, org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean

public class ConcurrentSessionModificationMonitor extends Object implements, org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean
This component detects when a session is about to be modified by multiple runtime nodes and interrupts the requests on all but the last request.

A request which is going to (potentially) modify the session must first register the session with this component and unregister when the request is done. This component will write a "guard" key in the key-value store representing the registered request and session. It also receives notifications from the keyspace monitor when other guards are written and can detect if another request for the same session has started. When a concurrent request is detected, all other registered requests for that session are interrupted.

Petru Galanton
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • ConcurrentSessionModificationMonitor Link icon

      public ConcurrentSessionModificationMonitor( keyspaceMonitor, keyValueStore)
  • Method Details Link icon

    • destroy Link icon

      public void destroy() throws Exception
      Specified by:
      destroy in interface org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean
    • onEvent Link icon

      public void onEvent( event, String key)
      Specified by:
      onEvent in interface
    • register Link icon

      public void register(com.blueriq.component.api.IAquimaSession session, String namespace, String token)
      Registers a request that is going to modify the given session. The request is identified and distinguished from other requests through the token parameter, which should be different for each request (eg. a randomly generated GUID). The namespace parameter helps to group related requests and can be, for example, the HTTP session id.
      session - the session which should be monitored for concurrent modifications
      namespace - the namespace for this request
      token - a unique identifier for this request
    • unregister Link icon

      public void unregister(com.blueriq.component.api.IAquimaSession session, String namespace, String token)
      Unregisters a previously registered request. The session, namespace and token parameters must be the same as those used to register. This method should be called at the end of the request.
      session - the session that should no longer be monitored.
      namespace - the namespace for the request
      token - the unique identifier for the request
    • getNamespacedGuard Link icon

      protected String getNamespacedGuard(com.blueriq.component.api.IAquimaSession session, String namespace, String token)