Class DefaultWebConfiguration

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultWebConfiguration extends Object implements IWebConfiguration
Default implementation for the web configuration. Used for specifying advanced options for the Aquima PortalEngine. It uses the DefaultApplicationConfiguration for default settings.

Extend this class and annotate with @AquimaWebConfiguration to configure Aquima applications.

Danny Roest
  • Constructor Summary Link icon

    Constructs a default web configuration.
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    protected void
    setCachingEnabled(boolean cachingEnabled)
    This method allows for enabling or disabling of the application cache.
    setClearEventOnRefresh(boolean clearEventOnRefresh)
    This method configures whether the system event is cleared when a page refresh is executed.
    setContextMutableFor(List<String> containerTypes)
    This method can be used to configure if the context should not be read only during the expand of a container.
    This method may be used to set whether failed elements in a document should be wrapped.
    setOutputFailedMasks(boolean value)
    This method may be used to set whether failed masks should be outputted.
    setParserVersion(String parserVersion)
    This method may be used to specify the version of the expression parser that should be used.
    setRules(List<com.aquima.interactions.ds.RuleDefinition> ruleDefinitions)
    This method may be used to specify additional rule definitions.
    This method can be used to configure if the targets of a rule may be down casted automatically when needed to the correct type of the rule's target.
    setWrapFailedElements(boolean value)
    This method may be used to set whether failed elements should be wrapped.
    toApplicationConfiguration(AnnotatedConfigContext context, com.aquima.interactions.portal.ApplicationMode applicationMode)
    This method returns an application configuration based on the set properties and with the specified factory manager.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object Link icon

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • DefaultWebConfiguration Link icon

      public DefaultWebConfiguration()
      Constructs a default web configuration.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • init Link icon

      protected void init()
    • setFormatDefinitionStore Link icon

      public void setFormatDefinitionStore(IFormatDefinitionStore formatDefinitionStore)
    • toApplicationConfiguration Link icon

      public com.aquima.interactions.ds.IApplicationConfiguration toApplicationConfiguration(AnnotatedConfigContext context, com.aquima.interactions.portal.ApplicationMode applicationMode)
      Description copied from interface: IWebConfiguration
      This method returns an application configuration based on the set properties and with the specified factory manager.
      Specified by:
      toApplicationConfiguration in interface IWebConfiguration
      context - the context containing the classes found using annotations
      applicationMode - the application mode
      an application configuration.
    • setCachingEnabled Link icon

      public void setCachingEnabled(boolean cachingEnabled)
      This method allows for enabling or disabling of the application cache. A caching solution is more efficient when creating a session since it will use a load-once use-frequent system.
      cachingEnabled - A boolean indicating caching is enabled.
    • setClearEventOnRefresh Link icon

      public void setClearEventOnRefresh(boolean clearEventOnRefresh)
      This method configures whether the system event is cleared when a page refresh is executed. The default for this setting is false; meaning the even will not be cleared on a refresh.
      clearEventOnRefresh - A boolean indicating the system even should be cleared during a page-refresh.
    • setContextMutableFor Link icon

      public void setContextMutableFor(List<String> containerTypes)
      This method can be used to configure if the context should not be read only during the expand of a container. By default the context will be read-only for all containers.
      containerTypes - boolean List containing the container type names for which the context should not be read-only.
    • setTargetDownCastingEnabled Link icon

      public void setTargetDownCastingEnabled(boolean enable)
      This method can be used to configure if the targets of a rule may be down casted automatically when needed to the correct type of the rule's target. The default for this option is false.
      enable - Boolean indicating if targets may be automatically down casted to the correct type.
    • setParserVersion Link icon

      public void setParserVersion(String parserVersion)
      This method may be used to specify the version of the expression parser that should be used. The default for this option is equal to the version of the runtime (for instance 6.4).
      parserVersion - the version of the expression parser that should be used.
    • setRules Link icon

      public void setRules(List<com.aquima.interactions.ds.RuleDefinition> ruleDefinitions)
      This method may be used to specify additional rule definitions. The list passed to this method should contain objects of the RuleDefinition class (or that extend it).
      ruleDefinitions - List containing additional rule definitions.
      See Also:
      • RuleDefinition
    • setOutputFailedMasks Link icon

      public void setOutputFailedMasks(boolean value)
      This method may be used to set whether failed masks should be outputted.
      value - whether failed masks should be outputted.
    • setWrapFailedElements Link icon

      public void setWrapFailedElements(boolean value)
      This method may be used to set whether failed elements should be wrapped.
      value - whether elements masks should be wrapped.
    • setContinueOnFailedDocument Link icon

      public void setContinueOnFailedDocument(boolean value)
      This method may be used to set whether failed elements in a document should be wrapped.
      value - whether elements in a document should be wrapped.