Interface FlowEndedHandler

public interface FlowEndedHandler
Interface that can be implemented in order to handle situations where the flow ends in a session.

In typical circumstances, it is a modeling error for the main application flow to end. However, in certain situations this is expected (for example, task flows, external flows must end). In order to handle these cases and return an EventResponse to the caller, the implementation of this interface should be exposed as a Spring managed component.

Petru Galanton
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    handleFlowEnded(com.blueriq.component.api.IAquimaSession session, com.aquima.interactions.flow.ExitEvent exitEvent, com.aquima.interactions.flow.ExitState exitState)
    This method is called when the flow in a session ends and a response must be sent to the client (front-end).
  • Method Details Link icon

    • handleFlowEnded Link icon

      EventResponse handleFlowEnded(com.blueriq.component.api.IAquimaSession session, com.aquima.interactions.flow.ExitEvent exitEvent, com.aquima.interactions.flow.ExitState exitState)
      This method is called when the flow in a session ends and a response must be sent to the client (front-end). Implementations should return an EventResponse if they are able to handle the event, otherwise they should return null.
      session - the session in which the flow ended
      exitEvent - the event with which the flow ended
      exitState - the event type with which the flow ended (commit, rollback, exception)
      An EventResponse if this handler implementation can handle the flow ended event, otherwise null.