ClassDescriptionThis class represents the asset viewmodel.This class represents the Button viewmodel.This class represents the base viewmodel for containers, pages and documentsThis class represents the viewmodel of the container.This class represents the viewmodel of the ContentItem.This class represents the viewmodel of a domainvalue.This class represents the viewmodel of the IElement interfacesThis class represents the viewmodel of the failedelement.This class represents the field viewmodelThis class represents the FieldValidation viewmodel.This class represents the Image viewmodelThis class represents the link viewmodel.This class represents the message viewmodel.This enum represents the different kind of messages.This class represents the page viewmodel.This class represents the text item viewmodel.Base class for all nodes within a TextItem.This class represents a style node within the text item.This class represents the textitem text nodeThis class represents a value node within a text item.This class represents the viewmodel of an unknown element.