Interface BaasFlowStarter

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BaasFlowStarter
Flow starter for Blueriq as a Service. To use a custom flow starter for BAAS, One instance of this interface may be exposed in the Spring Application Context. If no custom flow starter exists, then the default implementation, DefaultBaasFlowStarter, is used to start BAAS flows.
Petru Galanton
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    createSession(com.aquima.interactions.portal.IApplication application)
    Creates the portal session in which the BAAS flow executes.
    startFlow(com.aquima.interactions.portal.IApplication application, com.aquima.interactions.portal.IWebServiceOperationDefinition operation, com.aquima.interactions.portal.IPortalSession session)
    Starts the flow (if any) for the given web service operation in the given session.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • createSession Link icon

      com.aquima.interactions.portal.IPortalSession createSession(com.aquima.interactions.portal.IApplication application)
      Creates the portal session in which the BAAS flow executes.
      application - the application for which a session should be created
      the created session, never null.
    • startFlow Link icon

      void startFlow(com.aquima.interactions.portal.IApplication application, com.aquima.interactions.portal.IWebServiceOperationDefinition operation, com.aquima.interactions.portal.IPortalSession session)
      Starts the flow (if any) for the given web service operation in the given session.

      When this method is called, the input mapping (if any) of the operation is already performed. Implementations should check if the operation has an associated flow. It is not an error when the web service operation doesn't have a flow. In this case, implementations should simply return.

      application - the application definition
      operation - the web service operation
      session - the session in which the flow should be started