Class MatchDefinitionTemplate


public class MatchDefinitionTemplate extends AbstractReportingTemplate
This template class may be used to initialize a match definition.
O. Kerpershoek, F. van der Meer
  • Constructor Details

    • MatchDefinitionTemplate

      public MatchDefinitionTemplate( report, String attributeName, String functionName)
      Constructs the template with the required arguments.
      report - The initialization report that should be used to add error snd warnings to.
      attributeName - The name of the attribute for which the match definition is created.
      functionName - The name of the match function that should be used for the attribute.
  • Method Details

    • getMasterAttribute

      protected String getMasterAttribute()
    • setMasterAttribute

      public void setMasterAttribute(String masterAttribute)
      This method may be used to specify the master attribute.
      masterAttribute - The master attribute.
    • getRequirement

      protected com.aquima.interactions.matching.RequirementType getRequirement()
    • setRequirement

      public void setRequirement(com.aquima.interactions.matching.RequirementType requirement)
      This method may be used to specify the requirement type for the attribute. The default requirement type is PROFILE, which means that attributes that contain a value in the profile will be matched.
      requirement - The requirement type for the attribute.
    • getStrategy

      protected com.aquima.interactions.matching.StrategyType getStrategy()
    • setStrategy

      public void setStrategy(com.aquima.interactions.matching.StrategyType strategy)
      This method may be used to specify the multivalue strategy. The default strategy is MAXIMUM.
      strategy - The strategy type that should be used to calculate a score for multiple values.
    • getWeight

      protected int getWeight()
    • setWeight

      public void setWeight(int weight)
      This method may be used to specify the weight of the attribute. The default weight is 1.
      weight - the weight of the attribute.
    • getThreshold

      protected int getThreshold()
    • setThreshold

      public void setThreshold(int threshold)
      This method may be used to specify the threshold for the attribute. The default threshold for attributes is zero.
      threshold - the threshold for the attribute.
    • getUnknownPercentage

      protected int getUnknownPercentage()
    • setUnknownPercentage

      public void setUnknownPercentage(int unknownPercentage)
      This method may be used to specify the unknown percentage for the attribute. The default unknown percentage is zero.
      unknownPercentage - the unknown percentage for the attribute.
    • isReverse

      protected boolean isReverse()
    • setReverse

      public void setReverse(boolean reverse)
      This method may be used to specify if the attribute should be matched reversed. The default value for reverse match is false.
      reverse - Boolean indicating if the attribute should be matched reversed.
    • getAttributeName

      protected String getAttributeName()
    • getFunctionName

      protected String getFunctionName()
    • toDataSource

      public com.aquima.interactions.matching.ds.IMatchDefinitionDS toDataSource()
      This method converts the template to a data source that can be used to initialize the match definition.
      a data source that can be used to initialize the match definition.