Class FlowNodeTemplate

public class FlowNodeTemplate extends NodeTemplate
This template represents a flow node.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Constructor Details

    • FlowNodeTemplate

      protected FlowNodeTemplate( report, FlowTemplate flowTemplate, String targetId)
  • Method Details

    • toDataSource

      public com.aquima.interactions.flow.ds.INodeDS toDataSource()
      Description copied from class: NodeTemplate
      This method converts the template to a data source that can be used to initialize a flow node.
      Specified by:
      toDataSource in class NodeTemplate
      a data source that can be used to initialize a flow node.
    • setRepeatExpression

      public void setRepeatExpression(String repeatExpression)
      This method can be used to set the repeat expression of the sub flow.
      repeatExpression - The repeat expression for the sub flow.
    • setSortAttribute

      public void setSortAttribute(String attribute)
      This method can be used to set the attribute that is used for sorting the repeat expression values.
      attribute - The attribute used for sorting.
    • setPrimitiveTargetAttribute

      public void setPrimitiveTargetAttribute(String attribute)
    • setSortAscending

      public void setSortAscending(boolean sortAscending)
      This method can be used to specify if the values from the repeat expression should be sorted in an ascending order. The default value is true.
      sortAscending - Boolean indicating if the instances should be sorted ascending.
    • getRepeatExpression

      protected String getRepeatExpression()
    • getSortAttribute

      protected String getSortAttribute()
    • isSortAscending

      protected boolean isSortAscending()
    • getPrimitiveTargetAttribute

      protected String getPrimitiveTargetAttribute()