Package com.aquima.interactions.rule.graph

package com.aquima.interactions.rule.graph
  • Class
    Node of the rule graph representing a single attribute for the specific entity type.
    Rule visitor that is used during initialization to add constraint rules to the rule graph.
    This rule is used as a wrapper for inference rules that return values of an incorrect type, and will convert the result of the wrapped rule whenever needed.
    The entity node class of a rule graph is used to represent a single entity type.
    Validation rule implementation that uses an expression to check if a value (or combination of values) is valid.
    Rule visitor that is used during initialization to add the inference rules to the rule graph.
    Interface for classes that convert the result of an inference rule to the requested type.
    This class holds a single justification text for an attribute, fomat and ID combination.
    Abstract base class for objects containing justifications.
    This class holds the justification information for several justification id's of a single attributes.
    This class holds justification information mapped by attribute.
    This class holds a number of justifications with different formats.
    This visitor is used during initialization to gather justification information of an inference rule.
    This value converter converts a list value to a single value.
    This Rule is used to add an inference rule for the reverse relation of a (custom) rule on a relation.
    The rule graph class contains the node structure for all the attributes with the business rules that are applicable.
    This class contains a single rule group definition.
    This class is used during initialization to gather and validate the rule group definitions.
    Base class for rule visitors that are used during initialization to add business rules to the rule graph.
    Internal parameter visitor to collect and validate the validator parameters.
    Base class for validation rules.
    This rule visitor is used during initialization to add validation rules to the rule graph.
    Internal comparator to sort validation rules by priority.
    This value converter converts the result of a rule to the requested type.
    Validation rule implementation using a validator class.