Uses of Interface
Packages that use IWaitNodeDefinition
Uses of IWaitNodeDefinition in com.aquima.interactions.process.impl.nodes
Classes in com.aquima.interactions.process.impl.nodes that implement IWaitNodeDefinitionModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This class defines a node that should wait for a condition to become true.class
This class hold the definition of an event node.class
This class hold the definition of a timer node. -
Uses of IWaitNodeDefinition in com.aquima.interactions.process.nodes
Subinterfaces of IWaitNodeDefinition in com.aquima.interactions.process.nodesModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Interface for nodes that wait for a condition to become true.interface
This interface represents a node in a process that waits for a (named) event.interface
This interface represents the definition of a timer node from a process.