
  • Class
    Simple hashmap that has case insensitive keys.
    Interface describing the methods available for an entry of the CaseInsensitiveMap.
    This class provides loading and registering implementation classes for an interface class in such a way that a jvm can be started with -Dlookupkey=nl.everest.myimplementation.
    A code version represents the version of the code.
    Utility class for various string to byte encoding/decoding.
    Utility class that allows easy comparison between objects for equality.
    Utility class to calculate hashcode of objects.
    This exception is used to indicate a resource or property could not be located for a key.
    Map class for string key/string array value pairs.
    Pairs two items and acts like one.
    Utility class for using Readers
    Read-write mutex implementation that can be used to allow concurrent reads, but single threaded writes.
    Utility class for handling streams.
    Contains constants for the SuppressWarnings annotation.
    This class can be used to retrieve system properties.
    Map class for string key/value pairs.