
The types package defines the various Value objects that represent primitive types.
  • Classes
    Base class for primitive values.
    This class represents an unknown value of any type.
    Represents a binary data type.
    This class does not extend the AbstractValue class, as the auto-conversion methods to ranges and lists are useless (and even unwanted) for the boolean type.
    This class represents a single currency value.
    This primitive class holds the information about a single datetime value.
    This primitive class holds the information about a single date value.
    This class holds a reference to an entity instance.
    This class represents an infinite value, which is usually only used when working with ranges.
    This class contains a single integer value.
    This class provides an implementation of the IListValue interface.
    This class contains a single number value.
    This class holds a single percentage value.
    This class holds a range consisting of two values.
    This class contains a single string (text) value.