
  • Class
    This class is used to define a log category.
    This class identified an error.
    This class combines the error code with the parameters to form an actual error message.
    Base interface for classes that need to report errors or warnings.
    This exception is used to notify that an object could not be created.
    Simple object containing an error which was detected during initialization.
    This class is used to gather all the error and warning messages that are detected during the initialization of an application.
    This class is a minimal implementation of IInitializationReport which logs all the reported messages using the Logger created by the LogFactory.
    Base interface for all data sources to allow the objects to report errors and/or warnings that are detected during initialisation.
    Delegate reporting datasource for easy datasource extension.
    Base class for reporting data-sources.
    Base class for reporting data-sources.
    This class defines the severities of errors that can be reported.
    Error code implementation that does specify the element the error originated from.
    Error code implementation that does not define an element the error originated from.