Package com.aquima.interactions.expressions.optimizer.nodes

package com.aquima.interactions.expressions.optimizer.nodes
  • Classes
    The All expression is used to collect all the instances of a specified entity type.
    The arithmetic expression is used to compute a new value using two single values.
    The condition expression is used to compare two single values against each other.
    The const expression is used to hold a constant value.
    The conversion expression is used to change the result data type of an expression.
    The dimension expression is used to change the dimension of the wrapped expression's result.
    The each expression can be used to check if all of the selected values matches the condition.
    The exists expression can be used to check if at least one of the selected values matches the condition.
    The field expression retrieves the value of a field from the instance returned by the parent expression.
    The function expression can be used to invoke a (custom) function.
    This instance of expression can be used to check if an (entity) instance is of a specified type.
    The InverseExpression class will wrap an expression, and invert its's sign.
    The IsActive expression can be used to check if an instance of the provided entity is currently active.
    The list arithmetic expression performs an operation on two expressions.
    The list expression resulting in a boolean by comparing expressions resulting in multiple values.
    The list expression combines the result of multiple expressions into a single list.
    This class holds the information for a single local variable.
    The logical expression combines the result of two boolean expressions.
    A named expression is used to select a single (static) instance by name.
    The not expression is used to invert the result of a boolean expression.
    This class holds the root expression and any local variable that have been declared.
    The select expression can be used to retrieve one or more values that match the specified condition.
    The template expression is used to include a predefined expression (template) into the current expression.
    This expression may be used to get the type name of an instance.
    This expression is used for unknown nodes (?) and nodes that failed (ErrorNode).
    A variable expression is an expression that usually identifies an active instance of an entity type.