Interface IShortcutManager

public interface IShortcutManager
Manager that reads the configured shortcuts and can create ProjectRequests from it.

Shortcuts can be used to run Aquima projects from a simple url.

Danny Roest
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getProjectRequest Link icon

      IProjectReference getProjectRequest(String shortcut)
      This method returns the project request for the specified shortcut.
      shortcut - the name of the shortcut (case sensitive)
      the project request for the shortcut or null if the shortcut is unkown.
    • getProjectRequest Link icon

      IProjectReference getProjectRequest(String shortcut, boolean includePrivate)
      This method returns the project request for the specified shortcut.
      shortcut - the name of the shortcut (case sensitive)
      includePrivate - boolean value indicating whether private shortcuts should be included
      the project request for the shortcut or null if the shortcut is unkown.
    • getDefaultProjectRequest Link icon

      IProjectReference getDefaultProjectRequest()
      This method returns the default project request for the default shortcut. If there is no shortcut configured with the default name and there is only one shortcut defined, this method returns the project request related to that shortcut.
      the default project request or null if there is no default project request
    • getShortcutNames Link icon

      List<String> getShortcutNames()
    • getShortcuts Link icon

      List<IShortcut> getShortcuts()
    • getShortcut Link icon

      IShortcut getShortcut(String name)
    • getDefaultShortcut Link icon

      IShortcut getDefaultShortcut()